The Dairy Download
A podcast series presented by the International Dairy Foods Association and Ever.Ag. The Dairy Download is a 30-minute podcast hosted by Phil Plourd and Kathleen Noble Wolfley of Ever.Ag that covers dairy market news and offers fresh guest commentary on the consumer and policy trends shaping dairy. Breezy and informative, The Dairy Download takes listeners through a top-line report on the CME dairy markets, and then dives into the headlines and trends shaping dairy production, consumption and marketing with industry experts, market analysts, and leaders from across food and beverage. The Dairy Download is available wherever you get your podcasts, as well as for direct download from https://www.idfa.org/thedairydownload.
The Dairy Download
Ep. 68: How Ozempic Could Impact Retail Food Sales
GLP-1 medications such as Ozempic are traditionally prescribed to treat diabetes and obesity. But recently, these drugs have broken into the mainstream as a weight loss solution. As we learn more about the implications and long-term effects of these drugs, questions arise about their impact on food demand. Are medications like Ozempic here to stay? And what does their increasing popularity mean for food sales and consumer trends?
Joining us this week on The Dairy Download are two guests have analyzed consumer behavior changes due to increased use of GLP-1 drugs.
Darren Seifer, an industry advisor for consumer goods and food service with Circana, and Dan Frommer, founder and editor in chief of The New Consumer, talk to us about the rise of GLP-1 drugs, their impacts on consumers, and how they will continue to shape food sales across different categories.
If your company is interested in sponsoring a block of episodes of The Dairy Download, contact IDFA’s Melissa Lembke at mlembke@idfa.org.
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If your company is interested in sponsoring a block of episodes of The Dairy Download, contact IDFA’s Lindsay Gold at lgold@idfa.org.
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