The Dairy Download
A podcast series presented by the International Dairy Foods Association and Ever.Ag. The Dairy Download is a 30-minute podcast hosted by Phil Plourd and Kathleen Noble Wolfley of Ever.Ag that covers dairy market news and offers fresh guest commentary on the consumer and policy trends shaping dairy. Breezy and informative, The Dairy Download takes listeners through a top-line report on the CME dairy markets, and then dives into the headlines and trends shaping dairy production, consumption and marketing with industry experts, market analysts, and leaders from across food and beverage. The Dairy Download is available wherever you get your podcasts, as well as for direct download from https://www.idfa.org/thedairydownload.
The Dairy Download
Ep. 34 - Let's Talk Dairy Associations
From “America’s Dairyland” to America’s largest dairy producing state, regional dairy associations are convening dairy producers and processors to confront some of today’s largest challenges. On the latest episode of The Dairy Download, we speak to two representatives from dairy associations in Wisconsin and California about the trends and policies impacting dairy production and processing in their respective states.
First up is Brad Legreid, executive director of the Wisconsin Dairy Products Association since 1990, who details the changes in Wisconsin’s dairy industry over the past 30 years. How have policymakers in Madison sought to modernize and expand the industry? And what challenges are top of mind for producers and processors in the state? Brad gives us the scoop in pure Brad Legreid form.
Next is Anja Raudabaugh, chief executive officer of Western United Dairies—a trade association for dairy producers in California. Anja details the complex water politics playing out in The Golden State and how the resulting policies are affecting everything from feed costs to starting and maintaining a dairy in the state.
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If your company is interested in sponsoring a block of episodes of The Dairy Download, contact IDFA’s Lindsay Gold at lgold@idfa.org.
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